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Advantages and disadvantages, massive exploitation of the weaker countries, must also contribute to the great issue of the preservation of peace, harmonies and brotherhood, for the benefit of future generations. Without making too much of the future, we can be sure that the present generation of humans will not be capable of coping with this test imposed by the unbridled accumulation and development of power. While individuals are claiming, on the one hand, that the value of life is inversely proportional to the degree of its instability, on the other, that it is obtained at the cost of satisfaction of the needs of others, experiences show that the opposite is clearly the case. The achievement of peace and brotherhood on earth necessarily presupposes a shared and agreed vision of the common future in human society. This vision can only be fostered by gradualist policies, and by the creation of spaces that allow exchange and openness, respect for the autonomy of each other's choice.
It is not the purpose of The Order: 1886 to describe the assassins portrayed by Kousuke Motoyama, and the permanent threat of extinction they represent. This theme is central in the preface to the game, but later on it is abandoned. It would be anachronistic to attribute that type of cynicism to the novel itself.
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